Free filmmaking challenge: Extended deadline from last week’s kick off as it’s now a monthly challenge.
Rules here:…/1PvyZe8dOE0A5-pNkauM3nXcR8k…/edit…
Make sure you have full rights to any items used in your film
PROP (choose at least one): Photograph or painting, mirror, window
ACTIONS (choose at least one): Brushing or combing hair, daydreaming, crawling
WARDROBE ITEM (choose at least one): Hat, watch, winter coat
PERSONALITY TRAIT (choose at least one): Lonely, angry, hopeful
Choose one of the following as your primary (you may combine but your film should be clearly in your primary genre):
1. Action/Adventure
2. Comedy
3. Drama
4. Fantasy/Magical
5. Horror/Suspense
6. Sci-Fi