No Words Visual Film Challenge

Free weekly filmmaking challenge kicks off every Monday. WEEK 1 Challenge is LIVE! Let's get back to making films and improving our visual storytelling skills. Here are the required elements and a link to the rules. REQUIRED ELEMENTS: Make sure you have full rights to any items used in your film PROP (choose at least […]

No Words Visual Film Challenge

Free filmmaking challenge: Extended deadline from last week's kick off as it's now a monthly challenge. Rules here:…/1PvyZe8dOE0A5-pNkauM3nXcR8k…/edit… MAY REQUIRED ELEMENTS: Make sure you have full rights to any items used in your film PROP (choose at least one): Photograph or painting, mirror, window ACTIONS (choose at least one): Brushing or combing hair, daydreaming, […]