Screenwriting Group


Regular Weekly* meeting of TFC screenwriters. Two writers will present 10 to 15 pages of material to be read for constructive feedback.Zoom Meeting, link will be sent out via Messenger on day of meeting, so please RSVP as "going" on Facebook to get link. *Starting May 13, we'll be shifting our schedule to hold weekly […]

Virtual Happy Hour


Join us for the group's regular meeting to be held online using Zoom. (Link and password will be provided prior to the meeting).We will unveil the upcoming programming for events/meetings/ presentations, discuss the path moving forward with the group andBring your suggestions and ideas for discussion and feel free to announce any upcoming projects of […]

No Words Visual Film Challenge

Free weekly filmmaking challenge kicks off every Monday. WEEK 1 Challenge is LIVE! Let's get back to making films and improving our visual storytelling skills. Here are the required elements and a link to the rules. REQUIRED ELEMENTS: Make sure you have full rights to any items used in your film PROP (choose at least […]