TFC Bylaws
Article I: Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Triad Film Collaborative” abbreviated as “TFC.”
Article II: Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of this organization is to provide a resource for all skill levels of the community to: 1) Connect with each other for information, support, and resources; 2) Educate each other and themselves in various aspects of filmmaking; and 3) Create films of all genres for all purposes in a peer-supported environment.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Members must live in the Triad area of NC as defined by Wikipedia . “Live in the Triad” is defined by residing in the area for any portion of the year annually OR having lived in the Triad within the previous two years OR are moving to the area and have secured an address.
Section 2. Members must complete a membership form.
Section 3. Exceptions to meeting the residency requirement (Article III: Section 1) can and will be made on a case-by-case basis and determined by the Officers. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, potential members who have moved out of the area but maintain regular contact and provide significant knowledge and contribution to TFC and its purpose.
Section 4. Members are expected to adhere to the membership rules as outlined below:
- Changes in rules may be proposed to the Officers by any member in good standing. All changes are determined by the current officers.
- An email will be sent annually no earlier than December 1 and no later than December 15 to all members asking if the member would like to maintain membership and requesting any change in address be reported.
- Members not meeting membership requirements are subject to being purged from the roster at any time whether self-reported or failing to respond to the annual membership query.
- Members are expected to demonstrate behaviors conducive to fostering group cohesion. Any actions deemed dangerous, threatening, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate, either virtually, online, in person, or transmitted via email, social media, texting, messaging or other electronic mode, will be investigated and assessed by the current Officers. Interpretation and determinations made by the Officers are final. Criminal behaviors should and will always be reported to appropriate authorities.
- Members must agree as indicated by signature on membership form, that ideas shared during meetings remain the intellectual property of the presenter and will respect confidentiality by not disclosing ideas, proposals, and creative properties to those outside of meeting where disclosure occurred.
Article IV: Officers and Executive Board
Section 1. Officers must be current members in good standing.
Section 2. Officer titles and roles:
President – oversees meetings; acts as liaison with outside entities; sets agendas
Vice President – supports president, including stepping into that role when need arises; oversees membership; updates bylaws
Secretary – keeps minutes at meetings; disburses information to officers
Section 3. Executive Board Titles and Roles:
Training Coordinator – Arranges for presenters at meetings or special events to provide training and information related to the filmmaking process.
Social Media Manager – Supervises social media account(s), ensuring followers adhere to rules, addresses issues and seeks board member input as needed, and may share content relevant to followers.
Webmaster – maintains TFC website, updating calendar, collecting information and photos, and adding or changing information as appropriate.
Section 4. Term for all officers and executive board members is for 1 year.
Section 5. Any officer failing to adhere to bylaws may be removed from office in the following manner:
- The offense in question can be presented by any member in good standing.
- The offense will be presented orally or in writing.
- A hearing will be held to include at least three officers or executive board members and two members at-large (one chosen by the board and one chosen by the defendant). The defendant will be allowed to address the issue and provide supporting documentation or witness(es).
- The defendant has the right to waive the hearing in lieu of resignation.
- The panel will decide the outcome by 2/3 vote.
- Findings of the hearing panel are final.
Article V: Elections
Section 1. Each officer is elected to a one-year term. There is no limit to years in office.
Section 2. Officers are elected by members in good standing.
Section 3. Any current member can run for office. Simple majority wins. Elections are held in the first week of December. In the event of a tie, a revote will be held between the two tied candidates. Re-votes will continue until the tie is broken.
Section 4. Nominations will be solicited 2 weeks before the election. Nominees must agree to run for office. If at least one person per office is not nominated, outgoing officers will put forth nominations.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1. Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of officers. Bylaws must be reviewed yearly.
Section 2. Non-officer members shall have an opportunity to give input on bylaws in November of each year at an open meeting.